Ranjan Ghosh
  • ‘Critic as Dost’, Oxford Literary Review, forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press 
  • ‘Plastic Baroque’ Philosophy Kitchen, 2025, [University of Torino, Italy]
  • “Random and Plastic Thinking’, Philosophy, Politics, and Critique, 2024, forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press.
  • ‘Late Academe’, American Book Review, April, 2024, University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming
  • “Introducing Plastic Humanities ‘, University of Toronto Quarterly, February, 2025, University of Toronto Press, forthcoming
  • ‘Plastic History’ Clio: A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History, Vol. 49, Number 3, Summer 2022, 233-262.   https://www.pfw.edu/clio/index.html
  • ‘On the Train with Mrs Brown’, the minnesota review, 2022 (99): 144–158. https://read.dukeupress.edu/the-minnesota-review/article-abstract/2022/99/144/342533/On-the-Train-with-Mrs-Brown?redirectedFrom=PDF
  • The Plastic Turn’ Diacritics, Volume 49, Number 1, 2021, 64-85 (Johns Hopkins University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/article/852198
  • ‘Plastic Controversy’ Critical Inquiry, In the Moment, February, 2021.                                                                                                                                                 [the French translation: in Revue Habitante, no. 2 ‘Destins plastiques’ Ranjan Ghosh traduit par Fanny Quément 93-111 https://revue-habitante.fr/catalogue/habitante-2]
  • ‘Desiring-Material: Plastic-Art and Affect-ability’, the minnesota review issue 97, 2021, 53-76 (Duke University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/4/article/842595
  • ‘Confessions of a “Pandemicized” Homo-Dialectica’ in Playing with Reality Denying, Manipulating, Converting, and Enhancing What is There ed. Sidney Homan (New York: Routledge, 2022)
  • ‘Unworlding the Albatross’ in Geo-Spatiality in Asian and Oceanic Literature and Culture: Worlding Asia in the Anthropocene ed. Shiuhhuah Serena Chou, Soyoung Kim , Rob Sean Wilson (London: Palgrave, 2022).
  • ‘Plastic Pedagogy’ in Flashpoint Epistemology ed. Bernadette Baker (New York, Routledge, 2022)
  • ‘New Materialism: Beyond the Anthropocentric’ in Handbook of Literary Ethics Martin Middeke and Martin Riedelsheimer De Gruyter (Berlin/Boston), forthcoming
  • ‘Whipping Homer, Cudgeling Shakespeare: Thinking Canon-Tradition’ Symploke 28 (1-2):445-454 (2020) (Nebraska University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/17/article/773866
  • Plastic Literature’, University of Toronto Quarterly, for the special issue on ‘World Poetics and Comparative Poetics’, Vol 88, no 2, Spring 2019, 277-291. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/732562/pdf
  • ‘Possessed by Sahitya’ Symploke Vol 27, No. 1-2, 2019, 325-328 (Nebraska University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/17/article/734606
  • ‘What is Migrant Thinking? Trans, Fusion and the Bracket’, Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures,  Vol. 3 No. 2 Dec. 2019,  19-32.
  • ‘Rethinking the world of literature: Indian philosophy, Tagore and contemporary World Literature discourses’ in Philosophy of World Literature ed. Jeffrey Di Leu [London: Bloomsbury, 2019]
  • ‘Indexing Thinking, Thinking Index: Sahitya in Trans’, College Literature, Vol 45, no.4, Fall 2018, 801-813. (Johns Hopkins University Press). https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/article/706280
  • The Problematic More, the Restless Trans’, New Global Studies  [More than Global? A Roundtable Discussion’], Vol 13, no 1, 2019, 125-158, De Gruyter.
  • ‘Jugalbandi’, Comparative Literature Studies, Forum: Thinking Literature across Continents, Vol 55, no 4,  2018, 953-962. (Penn State University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/2/article/713662
  • ‘Secular Writing’, American Book Review, [guest editing a special number on Secular Writing],  Vol 39, no 5, July-August 2018, 3-4. https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/124/article/703169
  • ‘Sahitya Redux’, Symploke, Vol 25, no 1-2, December 2017, 523-527 (Nebraska University Press) [Critical Forum on our book Thinking Literature across Continents].
  • ‘The Literary Energy, Energzing the Literary’, Literary Imagination  Vol 20, Issue 3, 2018, 240-46 (Oxford University Press).
  • Marjorie Perloff, J. Hillis Miller, Charles Bernstein & Ranjan Ghosh, ‘Thinking Literature across Continents’, CounterText, vol 3, no 3, December, 2017, 271-300 & Vol 4, no 1, April, 2018 (Edinburgh University Press).
  • ‘Orientalism’ in Bloomsbury Handbook to Literary and Cultural Theory (edited) Jeffrey R. Di Leo (New York: Bloomsbury, 2018).
  • ‘Sourcialization’ in Source-Text: Historical and Literary Theory (ed.) Tim Ulrich Kragh (Berghahn Books, forthcoming)
  • ‘Presence’ in Bloomsbury Handbook to Literary and Cultural Theory (edited) Jeffrey R. Di Leo (New York: Bloomsbury, 2018).
  • ‘Aesthetic Imaginary: Rethinking the Comparative’, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Vol.44, no. 3, September 2017, 449- 467. https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/260/article/669244
  • ‘Intra-active Transculturality,’ Modern Language Notes 130 (December 2015): 1198-1220 (Johns Hopkins University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/article/615183
  • ‘Caught in the Cross Traffic: Rabindranath Tagore and the Trials of Child Education’, Comparative Education Review, Vol. 59, No. 3 (August 2015), pp. 399-419, Chicago University Press).
  • This paper has been selected as the “Special Feature Article” by the CER editorial board and now stands nominated for the George Bereday Award.
  • ‘Rabindranath and Rabindranath Tagore: Home, History, World’, History and Theory Vol. 54, Issue 4, December, 2015, 125-148 [Wiley-Blackwell & Wesleyan University]
  • ‘The Figure that Robert Frost’s Poetics Make: Singularity and Sanskrit Poetic Theory’, in Birgit Kaiser (ed.) Singularity and Transnational Poetics (London: Routledge, 2015), pp 134-154.  http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781138775787/
  • ‘Rendezvous with the Scholar Gipsy’, SubStance, Vol. 42, no. 2, 2013, 3-11(Madison: Wisconsin University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/19/article/514800
  • ‘India, itihasa and Inter-historiographical Discourse’, History and Theory, Vol. 46, 2, May 2007, 210-217 (Wesleyan University Press, US & Blackwell Publishing, Oxford).
  • Translated: Ranjan Ghosh, ‘India, itihasa, and Inter-historiographical Discourse’, trans. Xupeng Zhang, Historiography Quarterly, Issue 3 (2013), pp. 143-149.
  • ‘Ben Jonson and His Reader: An Aesthetics of Antagonism’, The Comparatist, Vol. 37, May, 2013, 138-155 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/12/article/506745
  • ‘Literature: the Mattering and the Matter’ SubStance, Vo. 42, No. 2, 2013, 33-47 (Madison: Wisconsin University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/19/article/514802
  • ‘Institutionalised Theory, (In)fusion, Desivad’, The Oxford Literary Review, Vol. 28, 2006, 25-36. (Edinburgh University Press). http://www.euppublishing.com/journal/olr
  • ‘Aesthetics of Hunger: (In)fusion Approach, Literature and the Other’, Symploke, vol 19, no.1 2011, 11-25 (University of Nebraska Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/17/article/463490
  • ‘A Poet’s School: Rabindranath Tagore and the politics of Aesthetic Education’, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, April, 2012 (Routledge), http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/csas20/35/1
  • ‘Globing the Earth: The New Eco-logics of Nature’, SubStance, Vol. 41, No. 1, Issue 127, 2012, 3-14 (Madison: Wisconsin University Press) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/19/article/468915
  • ‘Reading and Experiencing a Play Transculturally’, Comparative Drama, Vol 46, No. 3, Fall 2012, 259-281 (West Michigan University) https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/75/article/488116
  • ‘Making Sense of Interpretation: Yes-ing and the (In)fusion Approach’, Parallax, 16, 3, 2010, 107-117 (London, Routledge & School of Fine Art and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds, http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a924022157~db=all~jumptype=rss
  • ‘”It disturbs me with a presence”: Hindu history and what meaning cannot convey’, Storia della Storiografia, 55, 2009, 94-107 (Universite de Torino, Italy). http://www.storiastoriografia.eu/www/sezione.php?file=2009_1
  • ‘A Reading in Comparative Aesthetics: Arnold as Indian Sage?’ Nineteenth Century Prose, Vol. 34, Nos. 1/2 Spring/Fall 2007, 257-282. (San Diego State University, US).
  • ‘Carlyle’s Hero as Poet and Sri Aurobindo’s poetic theory: Reconfiguring few dimensions of Creativity’, Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 11.1, 2006, 35-44. (London, Routledge). http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/routledge/0969725x.html
  • ‘Memory, narrative and the doing of History’, Storia della Storiographia, 54, 2008, 56-88 (Universite de Torino, Italy). http://www.storiastoriografia.eu/www/sezione.php?file=2008_2
  • ‘The Product called ‘India’: Codes, Processes, Labels’, Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, 12.1, March 2008, 125-134 (Routledge, London). http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/rrhi
  • ‘Imagination, Imaging, and Revisionist Aesthetics in Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of the Stories: An (In)fusionist Approach’, Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, Spring 2007, 1-20 (Penn State University Press). http://www.psupress.org/journals/jnls_ILS.html
  • ‘Interdisciplinarity and the ‘Doing’ of History: A Dialogue between F. R. Ankersmit and Ranjan Ghosh’, Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, 11.2, June, 2007, (Routledge, London), 225-249.
  • ‘Making Sense of the Secular’ in Making Sense of the Secular: Critical Perspectives from Europe and Asia (New York & London: Routledge, 2012)
  • ‘Dialogic Godotic’, in In Dialogue with Godot: Waiting and Other Thoughts (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2013, Rowman and Littlefield)
  • ‘Romancing Theory, Riding Interpretation’ in Romancing Theory, Riding Interpretation: (In)fusion Approach, Salman Rushdie (New York: Peter Lang, 2012), 1-46.
  • ‘Ayodhya, Memory, Myth and the Construction of Hindu Historiography’, in Bernard Lategan, Mamadou Diawara, Joern Ruesen ed. Dealing with the Past, Reaching for the Future: Aspects of African Historical Memory in an International Context (Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books, 2010).
  • ‘The Historian as Public Intellectual: Politics, Identity and the Public Sphere’ in Edward Said, the Literary, Social and the Political World ed. Ranjan Ghosh (New York, Routledge, 2009), 190-205.
  • ‘Should we leave it to the Writer?’ in Globalizing Dissent: Essays on Arundhati Roy ed. Ranjan Ghosh & Antonia Navarro Tejero (New York: Routledge, 2009), 182-194.
  • ‘Secularism, History and Polity: Exploring few dimensions’, Le Banquet, du Centre d’étude et de eflexion pour l’action politique (CERAP), Paris December, 2008. [in French and English], 65-90.
  • ‘Textuality, Theory, (In)fusionism: Reinventing Said’s “Materiality” & “Amateurism”’, in Paradoxical Citizenship ed. Silvia Nagy-Zekmi, (Lanham: Maryland, Lexington Books, 2006), 57-66.
  • ‘(In)fusion Approach: The Critical Manifesto’ in (In)fusion Approach: Theory, Contestation, Limits, (Lanham, New York, Oxford: University Press of America, 2006), 1-19. https://rowman.com/ISBN/978-0-7618-3465-6
  • ‘Reconfigurating the Waiting for Godot: Explorations within some Paradigms of Hindu Philosophy’, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, 4, 2004, 307-21 (Rodopi Press: Amsterdam & Atlanta).
  • ‘The Artist and the Intellectual: Rabindranath Tagore and Transnationality’ in Truth to Power: Public Intellectuals In and Out of Academe ed. Silvia Nagy-Zekmi & Karyn Hollis (New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), 89-102.
  • ‘Endgame: The Transcultural Instant and the New Reality’ in Samuel Beckett and the Encounter of Philosophy eds. Arka Chattopadhyay and James Martell (Roman Books, 2013).
  • ‘The Resignation of a Public Intellectual’, Left Curve, No. 31, 2007, 108-09. (Oakland, CA).
  • ‘Ethnocentrism and the Interpretation of Text’, Thinking Classroom/Premena, Vol. 6, Fall 2005, 34-41 (International Reading Association, New York, also in Russian).
  • ‘Aurobindo and the concept of Poet’, Kui Xiang, Journal of Identity and Asian Diaspora, (Chinese Culture University, Taipei, 2005).
  • ‘Inter-Nation-isation and Rabindranath Tagore: Reconstellation of the Politics of Resistance’ in Discourse of Resistance in the Colonial Period ed. Avadhesh K Singh, Creative Books, New Delhi: 2005. 166 – 192.
  • (with Hayden White), ‘“Doing History”, “Thinking” History: Some Reflections’, Journal of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 3 (2004), 399-410.
  • ‘Textual Performativity and Narrative Reflexivities: Re-narrativizing  Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories’ in Of  Narratives, Narrators  ed. Rajul Bhargava, Rawat Publications, New Delhi   2004)  216 – 226.
  • ‘The Babel Babble and the Bible: Rethinking “The Prophet’s Hair’’ and “At the Auction of the Ruby Slippers’’ in  Salman Rushdie’s   East, West’ in The Twentieth Century Indian  Short Story in English, ed. Kamal Mehta, (Creative Books, New Delhi 2004), 124-137.
  • ‘Authentic Identity and Glocality: Perspectivising the NBA’ in Identities/Local and  Global, ed. K.C.Baral & P. C. Kar, (New Delhi: Pencraft International, Delhi  2003), 230 – 240.
  • ‘Towards a concept of the Poet in the Vedic Aesthetics’, Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, Vol XXIV: Nos 1-2:  Summer 2001, 75 – 88.
  • ‘Concept of the Poet: A Reading in the Aesthetics of Rabindranath Tagore’, Critical Practice, A Journal of Critical and Literary Studies, Volume VIII, No. 1, Jan  2001, 59 – 70.
  • ‘Configurating the Poet and the Limits of Platonian Aesthetics’, Visva Bharati Journal of Philosophy, Winter- 2001 , Number. 4, 61-79.
  • ‘Experiments with Truth and Nikhil’s Quest for a Harmonic Vision: Rabindranath Tagore`s in The Home and the World: New Dimensions, ed. D.K. Pabby (New Delhi: Asia Book Club, 2001), 64 – 83.
  • ‘Thomas Hardy and the Aesthetics of Dialecticism’ in Thomas Hardy: A Critical Spectrum ed. Rama Kundu (New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2001), 193 – 204.
  • ‘The Contours of Self and the sense of ‘beyonding’ in Tagorean Aesthetics’, The Quest, Vol. 15, Number 1, June 2001, 22 – 26.
  • ‘The Aesthetics of Nissim Ezekiel’, Points of View, Vol VII, No. 2, Winter, 2000,    50 – 58.
  • ‘Recentering of the Poet and Postmodern Literary Theory’, Journal of Contemporary Thought, Summer 2000, Vol 11, 25-38.
  • ‘Rushdie`s Haroun: The Act of Reading’, In-between, Essay & Studies in Literary Criticism, Vol 8, No 2, September 1999, 159 – 165.
  • ‘George Herbert and the Nature of a True Religious Document’ Darshana International, Vol.39, 4, October 1999, 1 – 6.
  • ‘The Concept of the Poet in the Psalms’, Darshana International, Volume 39, 3, July 1999, 68 – 77.
  • ‘The Concept of the Poet in Early Greek Poetry’, Points of View, Volume 6, Number 2, Winter 1999, 6 – 1