“Turn to Plastic: Thinking Humanities Today”, University of Toronto Quarterly, February 2025, forthcoming, University of Toronto Press.

“Random”, Philosophy, Politics, and Critique, 2024, forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press.

Guest Edited a Special Forum on Creative Critical for the minnesota review (Duke University Press) in 2022. https://read.dukeupress.edu/the-minnesota-review/issue/2022/99

Secular Writing, a special issue invited to edit for American Book Review (Volume 39, Number 5, July/August 2018, University of Nebraska Press)


Secular Writing, a special issue invited to edit for American Book Review (Volume 39, Number 5, July/August 2018). 

Introducing a Surplus: Rabindranath Tagore and Other Thoughts a special number for South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies (London: Routledge, 2012)

Globing the Earth, a special issue for SubStance (Madison: Wisconsin University Press, 2012)

Reading and Performing: Transculturalism & ‘Dramatic’ Experiences, a special number for Comparative Drama (West Michigan University, 2012)

Does Literature Matter?  a special number for SubStance (Madison: Wisconsin University Press, 2013)